
the best photographers in new york wedding photography tips couple photos

Hi! We are Tati (33) and Roman (39), making it in New York City. We met each other many years ago, and now pursuing our dream of being photographers in the city that never sleeps. We’re happy parents of a baby girl, passionate travelers, and nature lovers. We enjoy cinema, electronic music (although our tastes are a bit different haha), and contemporary art.

Roman Маkhmutоv
Roman Mаkhmutоv is an international wedding photographer based in New York City with almost two decades of professional experience. Roman has a background in portraiture, advertising, creative directing, and digital arts.
Tati Gavrilova, a wedding photographer in NYCTatiana Gаvrilоvа
Tatiana has tremendous experience organizing photo/video shoots, making creative concepts, and dealing with theatrical scenery and the post-production process. She has extensive experience and expertise in working with digital images.

For booking, please contact us via:





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